Houston Periodontist
Dr. Daniel K. Ho, DMD, DMSc, MSc
Dr. Daniel K. Ho firmly believes that clinicians need to be constantly updated in the diagnosis and treatment of patients. Patients can be confident that Dr. Ho is committed to offer treatment therapies basing on evidence from current literatures. In fact, Dr. Ho himself is actively involved in conducting clinical research, and has published many peer-reviewed journal articles and textbook chapters over the years. Dr. Ho strives to offer his patients different treatment options, and explains to patients the advantages and disadvantages of each option, thereby allowing patients to make the most educated decision pertaining to their dental health.
Book Chapters
Ho DK, Nevins M, Kim DM. Chapter 7 – Alternative methods of grafting using growth factors. In: Dominiak M., Gedrange T., Rasperini G, eds. Gingival recession: interdisciplinary approach. 1st ed. Quintessence Publishing Co Ltd. (in press).
Kim DM, Ho DK. Chapter 12 – Decision tree for maxillary sinus elevation options. In: Kao DW, ed. Clinical maxillary sinus elevation surgery. 1st ed. Iowa, John Wiley & Blackwell, 2014:149-156.
Kim DM, Ho DK. Chapter 13 – Choices of bone graft materials. In: Kao DW, ed. Clinical maxillary sinus elevation surgery. 1st ed. Iowa, John Wiley & Blackwell, 2014:157-164.
Ho DK, Kim DM. Chapter 1: Examination and diagnosis – local anatomic factors contributing to periodontal disease. In: Karimbux N, ed. Clinical cases in periodontics. 1st ed. Iowa, John Wiley & Blackwell, 2012:48-56.
Ho DK, Elangovan S, Shih S. Chapter 5: Mucogingival therapy – frenectomy and vestibuloplasty. In: Karimbux N, ed. Clinical cases in periodontics. 1st ed. Iowa, John Wiley & Blackwell, 2012:197-204.
Arguello EI, Ho DK. Chapter 7: Implant site preparation – ridge split and osteotome ridge expansion. In: Karimbux N, ed. Clinical cases in periodontics. 1st ed. Iowa, John Wiley & Blackwell, 2012:271-284.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Dai MR, Ho DK, Huang L, Quock RL, Flaitz CM. Utilization of Chinese herbal medicine for selected oral conditions in two pediatric populations. Pediatric Dentistry, 2016;38:311-316.
Ho DK, Ghinea R, Herrera LJ, Angelov N, Paravina RD. Color range and color distribution of healthy human gingiva – a prospective clinical study. Scientific Reports, 2015:5;18498.
Ho DK, Fu MM, Kim DK. Vertical ridge augmentation of atrophic posterior mandible using platelet-derived growth factor. Journal of Oral Implantology, 2015;41:605-609.
Lops D, Gobbato L, Nart J, Guazzo R, Ho DK, Bressan E. Evaluation of root coverage with and without connective tissue graft for the treatment of single maxillary gingival recession using an image analysis system: a randomized controlled clinical trial. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent, 2015;35:247-254.
McGuire MK, Scheyer T, Ho DK, Stanford CM, Feine JS, Cooper LF. Esthetic outcomes in relation to implant-abutment interface design following a standardized treatment protocol in a multicenter randomized controlled trial – a cohort of 12 cases at 1-year follow-up. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent, 2015;35:149-159.
Dornbush JR, Reiser GM, Ho DK. Platform switching and abutment emergence profile modification on peri-implant soft tissue. Alpha Omegan, 2014;107:28-32.
Nevins M, Ho DK, Kwon T, Al Hezaimi K, Kim DM. Application of bone morphogenetic proteins in bone augmentation procedures. Journal de Parodontologie et d’Implantologie Orale; 2014;33:159-172.
Nevins M, Cappetta EG, Cullum D, Khang W, Misch C, Ricchetti P, Sclar A, Wallace SS, Ho DK, Kim DM. Socket preservation procedure with equine bone mineral: a case series. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent, 2014;34 Suppl 3:s51-57.
Kiviranta R, Yamana K, Saito H, Ho DK, Laine J, Tarkkonen K, Nieminen-Pihala V, Hesse E, Correa D, Määttä J, Tessarollo L, Rosen ED, Horne WC, Jenkins NA, Copeland NG, Warming S, Baron R. Coordinated transcriptional regulation of bone homeostasis by Ebf1 and Zfp521 in both mesenchymal and hematopoietic lineages. J Experimental Medicine, 2013;210:969-985.
Nevins M, Camelo M, Nevins ML, Ho DK, Schupbach P, Kim DM. Growth factor-mediated combination therapy to treat large local human alveolar ridge defects. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent, 2012;32:263-271.
Ho DK. Resident’s journal watch: a novel strategy for tooth and periodontal regeneration. J Periodontology, 2010;81:1348.
Dental Conference & CE Lecture – Abstracts/Posters/Oral Presentation
Dai M, Flaitz DM, Ho DK, Quock RL, Acharya BS, Badger GJ. Traditional medicine use for oral conditions among US ethnic Chinese. American Academy of Oral Medicine (AAOM) and American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology (AAOMP), San Diego, 2015. (abstract/poster)
Angelov N, Ho DK, Herrera LJ, Ghinea RI, Perez MDM, Paravina RD. Computer models of gingival shade guides: a pilot study. International Association for Dental Research, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2014. (abstract/poster)
Ho DK, Scheyer ET, McGuire MK, Stanford CM, Cooper LF, Feine JS. Facial gingival zenith position and interproximal papilla stability surrounding single tooth implant supported crowns on three different implant abutment designs: 1 year data from a prospective, randomized controlled clinical trial. Academy of Osseointegration, Seattle, 2014. (oral presentation in Clinical Innovations Category)
Ho DK, Guze KA, Arguello EI, Karimbux N, Kim DM. Horizontal and vertical ridge augmentation using recombinant human platelet-derived growth factor-BB (rhPDGF-BB) or recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 (rhBMP-2). School of Dentistry, University of Texas at Houston, Houston, 2012. (oral presentation)
Ho DK, Arguello EI, Kim DM. Vertical and horizontal ridge augmentation of atrophic mandible with combination therapy – a case series. Academy of Osseointegration, Phoenix, 2012. (abstract/poster)
Ho, DK, Saito H, Duplan MB, Horne WC, Baron R. The role of Cbl proteins in regulating osteoclast activity. International Symposium – Network for International Education and Research in Advanced Dental Sciences, Niigata, Japan, 2012. (oral presentation)