Laser Periodontal Therapy
Laser Periodontal Therapy
Lasers can be utilized to treat certain gum disease. Studies have demonstrated that lasers at different wavelengths and power settings can kill bacteria without damaging host’s cells, remove infected soft tissues, and expel calculus deposits (tartar) below the gum lines. In addition, because the tips of laser are usually smaller than the tips of the traditional manual instruments used to remove calculus, laser periodontal therapy can facilitate a more thorough debridement of the root surface, thereby allowing higher chance for successful outcomes.
Laser periodontal therapy is known to be minimally invasive when compared to the traditional periodontal surgeries. Most patients are more receptive to laser periodontal therapy than the traditional periodontal surgeries. However, it is important to note that not all forms of gum disease can be successfully treated with laser periodontal therapy. At times, the traditional periodontal surgeries may be required.
Lastly, lasers can also be used to enhance wound healing (e.g. help treating ulcers inside the mouth), make cuts on the gums and jawbone, induce bleeding needed for wound healing, and stop bleeding during surgical procedures. For example, lasers are routinely used for gingivectomy and frenectomy. Furthermore, lasers can also be used in the treatment of peri-implant diseases.